How do you know you exist?

Mi Camino
2 min readJul 9, 2021


You cannot experience anything except through knowledge.
Anything you say about your life is a thought, and to express it you use symbols, called, words.
Words are sounds through which we communicate.
When you say I’m alive How do you know?

The way to find out is with the help of knowledge.
It is the only tool we have at our disposal to do so. Is there any other?
Without it, we would not know if we have a body or not.
We wouldn’t even know if we are alive.

Thoughts shape and define the experience.
What we know about our life is an experience.
And experience is knowledge about experience.
Thought as an inorganic entity acts superficially.
However, thought has its place and that is acceptable.

Thought is not the right tool to know life. Instead of doing it, it distorts it, based on dual mental images, like you and me, good and bad, ugly and beautiful, tall and short, black and white, winner and loser, etc.
These images are found on the peripheral surface of life.

Thought is a mental representation that causes a
misleading and superficial perception of what it is.
All thought-based experience is an illusion, because
it manipulates according to its own interest, whatever that might be.

Life does not need the thought of man to survive.
He has his own intelligence, capable of fending for himself.
Without knowledge, there is no thought.
Knowledge is experience.

We cannot say the same with death.
Since we cannot experience our own death.
However, we can observe the death of others.
But don’t experience our own.
Without experience, there is no knowledge.

Thought itself is not dangerous, and it cannot do any harm. The damage happens only when you try to use that thought to censor, divide and control in order to obtain something advantageous, then we try to solve those same problems with the same thought that creates them.

Anything we say about life is a thought.
But we still have to use it to identify what we experience and live smartly and healthily.
I am not against using thought to obtain what we need to survive, but not to live.

Everything that exists out there is in relation to a single survival thought. And that first thought is “I”
You know why? Because everything starts with yourself.
That “I” is the superficial knowledge of oneself.
Without that knowledge, you would not exist.
You are the creator of this shallow world created by thoughts.



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