Imagine Living in a Better World.

Mi Camino
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Imagine that we lived in a world in which we united without racial division, without political division, without division of religions. No negative media influences for vested interests, no physical or psychological violence, no murderers, no rapists, no child abusers, no animal abusers.

Everyone living in complete harmony accepting each other without prejudice of any kind, with the sole purpose of living in peace as nature is offering us.

Just like children or our pets do. Living a simple and sincere life without complications or interest involved, only with the joy of living in freedom with existence as it is.

Some time not too far away we were there, enjoying that freedom and natural peace that lies within us, without taking life as seriously as we do now.

However, our knowledge, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs have taken us away from that pure state of existence. Leading us into such a deep and dangerous abyss of division and violence from which we cannot get out.

It is very difficult for us to understand and accept that reality.
Because we are used to using our knowledge like a razor to solve human suffering. The sharper the better, without seeing that we are doing ourselves more damage acting that way.

Man himself is corrupted by a materialistic society. Whose main objectives are the superficial things that are nothing more than survival accessories with which we live. Not knowing the natural reality of life itself.

We are so used to living in suffering and dying in suffering. Hoping that one day in the very near future we will live in peace and unity.
I ask. Why not do it now?
Are we waiting for someone or a group to do it for us?

However, thousands of years have passed.
I ask. Have we have achieved it? Absolutely not.
There is a lot of talks but nothing is done. Do you know why?
Because talking is more profitable, financially, and with it, you can deceive, manipulate and control forever than the act itself.

That seems to be the easy and unconscious path we have chosen.
Discarding any possibility of living the natural reality of existence.
We are more concerned with superficial and vain external things than with the very intelligence of life that lies within us, which is the main root of our existence.



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