What is peace and why do you seek it?

Mi Camino
2 min readMay 22, 2021


Peace is not an idea.
It is not a concept.
It is not a thought.
Nor is it a belief.

It is not something to achieve in the future as a goal.
However, you have invented the goal to give yourself hope.
All hope is tomorrow and not today.

Someday, maybe tomorrow, when I have this or that, etc.
An objective or goal implies struggle, battle, effort, desire.
And you pretend to get it that way
Isn’t that how we live?

When you say I want to live in peace.
I want the world to live in peace.
I hope to find peace one day soon.
What does it mean?
That statement is a thought.
Therefore, it is the past.

All thoughts are born from the memory of the past.
Thought is the past.
And it can never be the present.
The present only exists as a past.
Which you use to try to achieve something in the future.

I wonder. Why not now?
Now as an action and not as a thought.
What stops you from not living peace now?
Definitely a thought.
That is the obstacle. Truth?

Without action, thought is superficial, null.
The peace you seek is already within you.
You don’t need a thought to find it.
It is found in the harmonious functioning of the physical body.

Peace is not an external goal to achieve in the future and from there to try to imagine living in harmony with yourself.
That is a fictitious and imaginary illusion created by thought.
You live from illusions and you die from illusions.
Hoping someday you will find peace.

Peace is an internal experience to live in harmony with yourself in relation to the external circumstance of the physical body.
Life itself is peace and not an idea or thought.
Live the peace that is already in you.



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